Saturday, February 18, 2006

Women in Church

I was reading on another blog recently about women's roles in Church. I have a hard time with some of the discussion on this other blog, and had to be careful what I said because some of the responders had VERY different opinions from mine. The difference in opinion is probably due to the difference in religious upbringing and belief. My background is Roman Catholic and, while I am not currently going to Church, I still hold most of the beliefs of the Catholic Church as true.

Now, as for women in Church, I don't want to go to Church and listen to a woman preacher. Now this isn't because I believe it is wrong in any way, shape, or form, it is just personal preference; just like I would never go to a woman gynecologist, it would make me very uncomfortable.

I have always gone to Church and women have read scripture and served Communion and lead singing, etc. Nuns have very important roles in the Church and work very closely with the Priests. Now, for people unfamiliar with a Catholic Mass, there are three scriptures read from the Bible every week. The first is from the Old Testament, the second is from the New Testament (not a Gospel), and the third is from the Gospel. Members of the congregation read the scriptures from the Old and New Testament and the Priest reads the Gospel passage. Men and women alike read the Old and New Testament scriptures, all who feel called to read are allowed to do so. Of course, who reads on which week is pre-arranged, but anyone who wishes is allowed to join the Lectors (the group of people who do the readings.)

As for Communion, the Catholic Church is very strict in the teachings and beliefs surrounding the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The Priest prepares the bread and wine, and does the prayers, etc. As for serving communion, this is like the Lectors, anyone who wishes to serve may do so. There is a group of people who serve communion, and who does so on any given week is arranged in advance, but anyone may join the group of people who do this.

Women also lead singing on a regular basis. Most Catholic Churches have someone whose job it is to be the Music Leader, of course this is a job for which one applies. However, anyone who wishes to apply may do so. I have been to churches with men in charge of music and churches with women in charge of music. For me music is a very important part of the entire experience for me. I am not a fan of organ music, at least not if that is the primary form of music played. I prefer a much more contemporary musical ministry. I like pianos, horns, guitars, drums, violins, etc. Most contemporary music ministries welcome any type of instrument that one wishes to use in worship. I am not talking about music like Stryper or Petra (am I aging myself?) I definitely wouldn't want the feel of a rock concert, if I want to hear Bon Jovi play I will go see Bon Jovi in concert, not at Church. However, I do like (and require) a Church that has a very involved music ministry as part of worship. I have been to a couple of Churches with such superb music ministries, that this has become a necessity for me. I don't get much out of Church if the music is not top notch.

Now that I have gone off on a tangent, I need to come back to the topic at hand, which is the role of women in Church. I firmly believe that there is no reason for a woman not to have an active role in Church, in fact, I believe it is wrong to not allow a woman to be active. As I said, the official "leader" of the service/mass/whatever, in MY OPINION should be a man, but as for supporting roles, like scripture reading and serving communion and leading singing, should be open to men and women alike. The Bible says that men should lead, and for one who takes a literal interpretation of the Bible, then yes, only men should "lead" but I believe other roles are more supporting and, in no way, usurp the leadership of men.

Just my opinion.


Kimberly said...

BTW, I should mention that my posts on the other blog where some of the "disappearing" comments I mentioned when I talked aobut looking for another blog service. I posted replies on a couple of topics and they disappeared. They didn't show up as "deleted" they just didn't show up at all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your insights and ideas about women and their role in the church. I agree with most everything that you said. I only have 2 things really to add...

1. Please don't stifle what you think and not post your opinions because someone else's opinion is different from yours. We all need to hear other's views in order to achieve personal growth!

2. I am not sure why your posts never showed on the blog. I do know that I had the same issue on the day that the original post was made. Please repost if you have time and the energy to rewrite it.

This issue can, and likely will be, debated until the end of time. There are so many power and control issues (by men and woman alike) that someone will ALWAYS be unhappy with the roles within the church walls.

keep writing and sharing.

Kimberly said...

Thanks, if I feel up to it, I might revisit the other blog and repost my ideas.

This is a very touchy subject for so many people. I only get truly upset when I see anyone trying to subjugate another person.

Kimberly said...

Well, I took your advice and went back and posted again on the two blogs that had to do with women. I also didn't mince words, I was respectful, but I said what I believe.

Anonymous said...

I think that is what bothers me the most too. I believe that we are governed by Christian values and the expectations of Christ. I have SERIOUS issues when some people take it upon themselves to add whatever they want to the "rules" to meet their own needs. Typically, I find that in the traditional churches of Christ, men are very hung up on a WOMAN'S place and we get into the whole submissive thing again...

In all things I think we need to be loving. I do not, however, think that being loving requires becoming a doormat, or becoming a peon.

I find it very interesting that I posted a series of questions on my blog about the women's role in the church, and asked for "scholars" to help, and NOT ONE person responded.

I think that a lot of men feel threatened by some women's ability to serve...or lead in any capacity. I have recently come to the conclusion that I need to realize that that is more about them than about me. All I can do is what I believe to be right.

I get in trouble a lot because I have no problem saying what I think. I need to learn to shut up more. BUT... I can go to bed at night knowing that I stand up for what I believe in.

Okay, I am rambling and digressing and not making a lot of sense.... sorry for venting in your space!

Thomas J. said...
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Kimberly said...

By all means, vent all you like. This is a safe place to vent.

I agree that too much attention is paid to what women are NOT supposed to do. I don't think that anyone pays enough attention to what we (men and women) ARE supposed to do.

Just my opinion

Thomas J. said...

you guys are both weirding me out

i am just sitting down and shutting up. . .probably the best thing really.

Anonymous said...

i want you to know that you are making me laugh. I think that is so funny that you keep saying, "Just my opinion." I can imagine that you have heard a lot of things about me that might lead you to believe that I am likely to become judgemental, harsh, unfair, and offended, and at one time that certainally would have been the case... but I want you to know 2 things that I believe...

1. It take a WHOLE lot to offend/upset me....

2. It is YOUR blog... you can say whatever you want without anyone's permission and you don't have to explain anything!

Good for you- keep sharing what you think and how you is too short to do anything less.

Anonymous said...

Thomas... don't be "weirded out." We are just two very POWERFUL, SERVING, PRAYING, SINGING, COMMUNION SERVING WOMEN... who just happen to agree on a few things! :)


Kimberly said...

I don't ever repeat anything that I have ever heard about anyone, especially when I can't back it up with my own experiences.

I guess the "just my opinion" comes from wanting people to know that just because I believe something, doesn't mean that other people's opinions and beliefs aren't important, even if they disagree with my opinions.

Also, I have offended people in my time, though I don't go out of my way to do so. If I had something to say that might offend, I would come right out and say what I had to say...I am not shy :o)

By the way, I am working on another blog post that expounds on the ideas we have been discussing.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I have to respect that. Good for you!

I didn't figure you were shy...I don't think he would have married you if you had been... who would he argue with? Oh, sorry... I mean "discuss" with? LOL!

I think he is right, this is a little wierd...but I guess this is just more evidence in the healing power of God.

It feels like we are just sitting in my (or your) living room having coffee and discussing things that matter to us. VERY WEIRD!

I would have never guessed that we would have such similar views about a lot of things. It is a little scary. But hey, can we help it if we are both right?

Boy, I am full of sarcasm tonight...(full of something anyway)...KEEP WRITING.

Kimberly said...

I think that we would have interesting conversations.

Now, just off topic for a minute, we were eating dinner tonight and I told Thomas of the one thing that I have been dying to have for dinner. Toasted ravioli. We had a salad with our dinner tonight and I thought how well toasted ravioli would go with the salad.

Okay, now back on topic. I am not so suprised that we agree on some things. However, I am a little (A LOT) suprised that we are actually able to discuss things. Just a year ago, I would have sworn that THIS would never happen, I am glad I would have been wrong.

Anonymous said...

I am eating salad as we speak! But not with toasted ravioli.... i am eating leftover pasta...yum!

Anyway...I wouldn't have believed it a year ago either... and I too am glad that I was wrong.

Kimberly said...

Enjoy your salad. When I was pregnant, I didn't want salad at all. Now, I can't seem to get enough. I pack, or buy, a salad to take to work every night to have with my dinner. My Olivia loves salad as well, she wants "manch" salad dressing. LOL