Monday, February 20, 2006


Let me start this post by first stating that divorce is a terrible ordeal for everyone involved. It is even worse when children are involved. Thomas and I have both been divorced. We were both married once before we got married to each other. I never want to get divorced again, but thankfully I am married to a man who is absolutely perfect for me, so I don't ever foresee this marriage not working.

I am thinking about the subject of divorce because friends of ours are in the middle of splitting up. It is a strange place to be when you are friends to both of the parties involved. Thomas and I have not wanted to take sides, but offer our friendship and support to both. This is VERY difficult, especially when one of the individuals starts acting completely insane. I should say that neither of them are without blame, and both have done things that are rather stupid since they split up, but one of them has gone above and beyond the bounds of "normal stupidity."

I won't go into all the sordid details on this blog, but I do wonder how folks who managed to be married for almost 20 years all of a sudden start acting like teenagers, neverminding the fact that they have teenagers of their own. Heck, their own teenagers are acting more mature than their parents are at this point in time. Actually, part of the couple is doing worse than acting like a teenager, this person is becoming HUGELY irresponsible and becoming violent, to the point they have threatened their spouse's life. Yes, law enforcement is involved, so hopefully everything will be okay.

There is a heck of a lot more going on, but Thomas and I have discussed this and don't feel like I should put this on a blog in case the folks involved, or their friends, should read this. I do want to say that both parties are at fault and both have made bad choices since they split up. I do not think that, as far as the marriage is concerned, that either party is more or less to blame about its failure than the other party. I do believe that one of them is acting with much less sense since they split, but aside from the threats being made, I don't think anyone has the right to act like a victim as they have both screwed up the situation.

Now, should anyone involved read this, I don't want anyone's feeling hurt, which is why I have left out names, and even genders in my discussion. I also want both individuals to know that I still care for them both, if not the choices they have made, and that I am praying for them and their children. I hope both of them can put aside any hurt and blame they feel and start to work in the best interests of their children, and themselves.


Anonymous said...

Good post. I identify completely. I am also divorced, but it was all his fault... no, I am just kidding. It takes 2 to make a marriage work, and it takes 2 to destroy it.

I hope that your friend is safe. It always scares me when violence enters the picture. I am glad to hear that law officials are involved. You are good friends to assist.

Divorce is an ugly, ugly thing even in the best of cases. I will pray for your friends that God will bless them in a way that they never could have imagined.

Kimberly said...

Thank you for your prayers, I think they have both stopped praying. I am saying prayers for them as well, maybe if more people pray it will help.