Saturday, February 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Drew

As I start this blog, the computer clock say it is 2:10 AM. At this moment, fourteen years ago, I was on my way to the operating room to have an emergency c-section. Drew was born at 2:24 AM, February 18, 1992. He weighed 7lb 2.5oz and was 20.5 in long.

After a very long labor of 20 hours and 2 more hours of pushing, Drew started to go into distress and the doctor determined that I would not be able to deliver a baby...ever. So, I had the first of four c-sections and I had a healthy baby boy. He and I both ended up with a fever and he was put on antibiotics for three days, but that was really the only problem that occured.

Drew has become such a fine young man. He is developing his own opinions and interests. He loves musicals. He is developing an interest in theatre and wants to be a part of the magnet program at one of the high schools in our county.

He is a great big brother, Possum and Olivia adore him. I am very proud of how well he deals with them (most of the time.)

I am enjoying watching him grow, I am interested in the man he will become.

So, at 2:20, four minutes before his official time of birth, I want to say "Happy Birthday Drew." I love you very much.

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