Sunday, April 02, 2006

Congresswoman McKinney - The Shame of Georgia

I was just reading a news article online about Congresswoman McKinney who apparently hit a cop who tried to restrain her after she did not stop as requested THREE TIMES while going through a security checkpoint. She claims to be a victim of racism, unfortunately I think she is a victim of stupidity.

Lesson one, If a cop says stop, you stop. Period. If you don't stop, a cop can force you to stop. You may not hit a cop. Ever. Period. Every kindergartener knows this, why doesn't Congresswoman McKinney?

As a current resident of Georgia, I am ashamed to have this woman represent me. Beside the fact that she ignored an officer of the law when he issued a command, she is playing the race card. Our elected officials our subject to the same laws as the rest of us and they cannot ignore a police officer (or hit one) anymore than I can. She wasn't stopped because she is black, she was stopped because she walked through a security checkpoint without wearing the lapel pin that identifies members of Congress and allows them to be waved through.

Lesson two, if a lapel pin grants you a free pass and you forget to wear your lapel pin, you have to stop like everyone else.

I am sorry that Congresswoman McKinney's ego is bruised because this police officer failed to recognize her, but there are 435 members of the House and 100 in the Senate. 535 faces are a lot for any one person to remember at all times.

She owes the police officer an apology and should be charged with assaulting said police officer. She also owes the citizens of Georgia and the United States for failing to live up to the office that she was elected to serve. She also owes an apology for playing the race card, she should be ashamed of herself. I know I am.

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