Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I have a lot of reasons to be thankful. I can think of the first five without even hesitating.

1. Thomas
2. Drew
3. Possum
4. Olivia
5. My Baby Girl

I have the most awesome family in the world, my husband and children are the biggest blessings in my life. There are more things I have to be thankful for, of course. I have a job I love in an amazing profession. I have friends I care about and who care about me. I have a mother who will be here a week from Friday to help out with my other children when I go in to have the baby on the fifth. I could go on, but I really don't need to at this point.

My family and I have developed our own Thanksgiving tradition. We have never really lived near family during our marriage, so we started eating out for Thanksgiving dinner. Cooking a huge meal for just us never seemed to be worthwhile. We have cooked a couple of times, but we end up throwing so much food away the next week, that it seems more of a waste than anything.

So tomorrow, we are taking our children to see the new Harry Potter movie at 11:00 and after the movie, we are going to Golden Corral for Thanksgiving dinner. At Golden Corral, everyone will be able to get what they want, but can pass up what they don't want. I know I want turkey, dressing, baked sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. I am not exactly sure what will be on the buffet, but anything that is missing from my wish list can be made another night at home.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey Day, no matter what kind of plans you have. Happy Thanksgiving.

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