Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Crazy Girl

I think my two year old is the craziest little girl ever. There is not much girly that she likes. Oh she likes lace and a bow on her nightgowns, but she prefers her Batman and Spiderman nightshirts to any nightgown.

My daughter would like nothing better than to get shipped off to Australia and be adopted by Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. Wild animals are one of her passions, she loves crocs, gators, bears, eagles, snakes, lions, tigers, etc. Kittens and puppies are okay, but sharks are the coolest things ever (especially if they are attacking the camera man.)

For our kids birthdays this summer, we decided to get them new bed linens. Possum's was easy, he got Spiderman sheets and a bedspread. Olivia would have accepted this as well, but there does need to be some lines we don't cross. So my husband and I purchased material with a bald eagle pattern and her daddy made her an eagle bedspread and pillow case, which she loves. She calls them her Weagulls. She also has a throw blanket in an eagle pattern as her brother has a Spiderman throw.

I am not sure what to do with this child. Her other true loves in this world are Super Heros, such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman, etc. She was HUGELY excited when she realized that there are girl Super Heros. She adores Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, etc. She dressed up as Wonder Woman for her interrupted Halloween! We record Superman and Batman on our DVR and when she gets up from her nap in the afternoons she wants to watch "Duperman" and "Matman."

Maybe my next daughter will like girly things, but this child rolls her eyes at Dora, Strawberry Shortcake, etc. The only doll she REALLY likes is my Cabbage Patch Kid that I got for my birthday last year, and I think she only likes it because it is mine. We buy her the Holiday Barbie every Christmas, but so far they stay in the top of our closet in a box, maybe someday she will appreciate them, but that time has not yet come. Oh well, I will keep buying them for her, in addition to her Justice League action figures and her Wonder Woman Season One DVD set.

This girl is insane, but I love her dearly.

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