Sunday, November 27, 2005

Black Friday

My post from yesterday and the reply I have gotten has made me think about my biggest pet peeve/complaint about the holiday season and that is Black Friday. I find it very offensive that retailers would make their employees get up and get to work for a store to open at 5:00 AM. What daycare opens at that time? Hopefully none of the employees are single parents who rely on daycare.

But beyond that, for me personally, I find it offensive that a retailer would have a sale start at 5:00 AM and end it six hours later. Why must I get up at that time in order to find the items I want at these great prices? I am not a Wal-Mart fan at all, the company could go out of business and I wouldn't miss them, but they had computers at $398 for six hours on Friday morning. If I was in the market for a new desktop or laptop PC, these were GREAT models especially for the price. However, if I didn't get to Wal-Mart at least an hour before it opened to wait in line, I wouldn't have a chance at getting one of these computers. Hear what happened to the guy who cut in line in Florida?

That brings me to my next point. People who are perfectly sane every other day of the year become absolutely insane the day after Thanksgiving. People fight each other for parking spaces, for the last Tickle Me Elmo (or whatever the toy of the year is,) for spots in the check-out line, etc. What happens to these normal people that they become horrible, terrible people on this one day? Actually, this is the worst day of the shopping season for people to act so terribly, but it continues on through the holiday season. What material item in the world is worth turning into a raving lunatic over? Are we really so materialistic?

The individual who replied to me state she/he saved over $160 on one item. That is wonderful, but I didn't even spend the amount she saved on each of my children. They probably will have around $100-$150 spent on each of them (except the baby, she is getting one item under the tree and one item in her stocking.) This is what we are spending on them, they will have more spent on them by grandparents and others, but not by us. It is not that we are cheap, it isn't even because I went out of work early and money is much tighter.

We buy our children things they want throughout the year, not great big items, but toys or movies or CD's or whatever, that they may want. We have found that they so hugely appreciate things when the get them in small doses, they become massively overwhelmed when they have tons of presents showered on them at one time. I know as they get older presents become more expensive, which is the challenge I have with Drew, but since we don't allow video games that does seeem to help control costs. I about had a fit when I saw the new X-Box was $400, who the heck spends that kind of money on ONE item for a child?

Okay, to get back on topic of Black Friday. I can only vaguely remember going shopping on that day once, and that was with my mom when I was a teenager. I have never gone on my own and cannot imagine a deal so good that I would go at any point in the future. I bought a newspaper on Thanksgiving and looked through all the sale ads and, I must say, there really weren't any sales that tempted me to get out of my bed that early on a Friday morning. I don't like to be used, and that is what the retailers do when they offer these sales for such a short period of time. I like to be treated with respect as a consumer, so when retailers stop trying to "lure" me into their stores at unreasonable times of the day, I will be more apt to spend my money there.


Anonymous said...

You make some good points. I hadn't thought about the daycare thing. Hmm.

I did save a lot on the one gift...but it wasn't for one of my was for my HUSBAND. Boys and their toys. Look at it this way: If Thomas wanted a new guitar or new peice of sound or recording equipment, and you could save 60% by getting up at the crack of dawn, would you do it? You'd be silly not to.

We don't spend a lot on our kids either, and there is no way we would pay $400 for a game system. I agree that they do a lot better when the "gifts" are spread out through the year.

I also totally agree with your opinion of Wal-mart...did you see the special on 60 minutes about them? I'll take my dollars somewhere else; thank you.

I love shopping the day after Thanksgiving, but wouldn't dream of tackling someone over a toy, or a parking place. But why should I let the people who will ruin my opportunity to save?

Well, you do make some good points anyway. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Kimberly said...

I didn't mean any offense, and I hope none was taken. I only used your example because it was the only one I had.

I didn't see the 60 Minutes special, but I do read a lot of news stories online about Wal-Mart, so I am sure I have heard most of the details presented.

My mom loves shopping the day after Thanksgiving as well. I guess some people really enjoy it, but I am not one of them and I probably won't ever be. Maybe when I have grandkids, as that is who my mom did most of the shopping for on Friday. People do crazy things for their grandkids and I probably won't be any different.

I hope you have a great holiday.

Anonymous said...

No offense taken. You really do make some good points that provoked thought. I appreiciate that.

You are due soon right? And you said it is a girl? I can only imagine how excited you are. Do you have a name picked out and have the nursery ready?

By the way, if I was 9 months pregnant, there is no chance you would find me shopping anywhere for anything (no matter how much money I could save) at 5 o'clock in the morning. I can only imagine that every wink of sleep that you can get now is cherished!

Good luck!

Kimberly said...

Everything is as ready as it can be for the baby. We do have her name picked out and I will post it when I get home from the hospital. I am due on 12/17, but I have a c-section scheduled 12/5, which is next Monday.

My mom will be here on Friday to help out with the other children while I am in the hospital. I am looking forward to her getting here. If I do any kind of shopping, it will be with her, but only in short trips as I tire so easily these days. Thankfully most of my shopping is done and the few things I still need to get can be ordered online cheaper than I can find them in the stores, and with free delivery, I am set.

Happy Holidays.