Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi. Hmmmm, what can I say? Their website is in my links, and with good reason, they are my favorite band. I am a holdover from the 80's, I loved them then and I love them even more now. I remember their song "You Give Love a Bad Name," shocking the hell out of me and my sheltered world. That song seemed so BAD, I mean "I Want Your Sex," by George Michael didn't shock me as much, but maybe that's because I was a little less sheltered by that time.

Okay, Bon Jovi, I know, so many people scoff when I talk about them, but they are amazing. Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora are truly talented songwriters and the musicianship of the band is second to none. I am not sure why anyone scoffs at them, they have been around for more than 20 years. How many other bands that got started in 1984 can claim that? Not only are they still together, they are still recording new music and still getting radio play, and it isn't just old people like me who like their music. I mean, they got rid of Alec John Such and Hugh McDonald now plays bass for them, but that was a change for the BETTER in my opinion, a change for the MUCH BETTER.

Another thing I like about them, is that they appear to be a group of nice guys. Anything I ever hear refers to them as nice. Now, whether this is true or not, I cannot speak to, but I have never heard anything about them wrecking hotel rooms or getting into fights at concerts, etc. I also appreciate that they don't hang their dirty laundry out for the world to inspect. Whatever happens within the band seems to stay within the band, and I hugely respect that.

Now, as for their music, my favorite album is These Days. I think I am getting old, but that album is full of what I refer to as "grown up rock and roll." Now, don't get me wrong, I love their other music too, both old and new, but I definitely like music with a message. These Days is full of songs that make me think, and sometimes not about easy things. "Hey God" is definitely not an easy song to listen to, but it does pack a punch. My favorite song on the album, my favorite Bon Jovi song, is the one I consider the saddest. "Lie To Me" is not a happy love song, it is about a man in a relationship that is falling apart, one of the lines says "if you don't love me, lie to me." What a terrible place in the world to be, how sad and pitiful, but we have all been there at some point in our life. I am grateful that I am in a wonderful place in my life and I wouldn't want to change anything about it, but that other place is one I am also grateful for, because it taught me how to not take the things in my life now for granted.

Now, my husband says that no one should diss Bon Jovi. If you watch any of their concerts on DVD or video, look at the audience, he says that Bon Jovi's audience is full of the BEST looking women. As a musician, he says to look out over that audience would be a wonderful treat. But, you know, I don't think Bon Jovi's music appeals to just women, but if it does, it just goes to show that we have great tast.

A post about Bon Jovi wouldn't be complete without me mentioning my 20 year crush on Richie Sambora. Yes, I know he is happily married, but then so am I, however, I am not dead and I am not blind. Richie Sambora is truly one of the most sexy men I have ever laid eyes on, and he only improves with age. I was looking at some photos of the band from their early days, and yes, they all looked good, but they all look better now in my opinion. Better, not older in my mind, but maybe that is because I am getting older also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you could be dead and blind and still be able to tell that Richie is one very hot man!