Saturday, November 12, 2005

Stuck At Home

Well, once again, I have gone into early labor and am not allowed to work. My boys never did this to me, but these girls are quite contrary. I went into early labor with Olivia at 32 weeks and six days; now with Baby Girl #2, I went into early labor at 32 weeks and two days. What is it with these girls? They should not try to come out before they are done cooking, but they are in such a big hurry.

So, once again, I am on bedrest, whatever that means. With three kids ages thirteen, three, and two, it surely doesn't mean I get to stay in bed and rest. I think real bedrest only works for first time moms and women put on bedrest in the hospital. I don't do too much, heck I feel like a bum sitting on this couch most of the time. I did try to clean one night, and I did a great job if I say so myself. My 13 year old son, Drew, turned into a turd (well, he is a teenaged boy after all) and I sent him to bed at about six in the evening. Of course, that meant that SOMEONE needed to load the dishwasher after dinner, clean up the dinner mess, vaccuum, pick up the little kids' toys, etc. Oh, and I couldn't leave that basket of clean laundry either, I had to fold and put that away as well. See, we made a deal with Drew, he was supposed to take care of the stuff that I can't, since I am supposed to be on bedrest, and we took away his punishments for flunking Language Arts this past quarter. I am beginning to think he LIKES his punishments.

Oh well, enough rambling for now. The little ones' are napping, Drew is reading, and Thomas is at work. I think I may take a nap myself :o)

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