Saturday, January 07, 2006

Very Busy

Well, it has been quite a while since I updated my blog. I usually blog in the evenings, but this has become a time for Sofia and I to spend time together. Right now she is in her swing, Drew and Olivia are watching an animated episode of Superman recorded on the DVR, and Possum is "vacuuming" with his toy vacuum that Santa brought for Christmas. Thomas is at work, so I am taking advantage of everyone being "entertained" to blog.

I guess I should update everyone on what has been going on around here. Sofia is now a month old, she turned one month on Wednesday. I surely don't know where the time has gone. She spent the evening of her one month birthday in the ER. She has finally caught the cold that everyone here has had. I wasn't so worried until she started to run a low grade temp late in the evening. I called her pediatrician (whom I adore) and we were told to go have her seen since she is so young. Of course by the time we got to the hospital her temp had dropped to 100.0. I took her to the hospital that I work at since I trust them there, I wouldn't work anywhere I wouldn't bring my children. The hospital's standards are to not do an entire workup if the temp is less than 100.4, which I knew when I brought her in. Her temp had been 100.3 at home, so we were borderline. I am glad she didn't have to go through the entire workup and she is doing much better now. I still have to use the nasal bulb syringe routinely, which she hates, but otherwise all is well.

I am looking forward to going back to work. My first night back is January 26 and I am ready. Well, I am more mentally ready than physically ready at this point, but I am sure I will be up to the task physically in a few more weeks. I know I am ready to have the income again. The short term disabilty is a joke as it is just 50% of my take home pay. Living on half my salary has been a challenge, but we have managed. I am ready to not have to "manage" anymore though and to know that all our obligations will be met.

As for everyone else in the house, Drew goes back to school next Tuesday and though he says he isn't ready, I am sure he really is ready. He has been enjoying school this year and his progress reports were all A's and B's, so he is doing great. Possum is, well, Possum. He is a three year old boy, what more can I say? He is a good boy though and is having fun with his new Christmas toys. Now, Olivia, is doing well too. She ADORES her baby sister. She will go to where ever Sofia is and just stare at her. When asked what she is doing, Olivia says "I'm lookin' at her." Now don't get me wrong, Possum and Drew love their baby sister too, but Olivia is enthralled.

Thomas is working tonight, as I said, but we are ready to have things back to normal in that sense too. I am SO ready for him to be the one staying at home caring for the day to day household management. To be fair, he is ready as well. He likes his job and does very well, but his real job is home and family, and he is SUPERB at it.

Well, I think I am going to end here for tonight. I hope anyone reading this is doing well. The picture above was taken Christmas Eve.


Anonymous said...

It's tough to be cooped up- glad you are doing well and headed back to work soon.

That is a great picture of the kids. It still blows me away how much Olivia looks like Margaret.
Drew looks EXACTLY like you- no way you could deny him! Possum looks a lot like Thomas, but I can see you in him too. Who does Sophia look like? They are a good looking bunch!

Glad that things are well for you.

Don't go too crazy staying at home!

Kimberly said...

I am trying to not go too crazy. I generally take daily outings to help with cabin fever. I'll take one of the toddlers and run to Target or the grocery store just for a change of scenery.

Tomorrow, however, I have a class at work that I have to take before I can go back. I was supposed to take this in November, but I was put on bedrest, so I couldn't do it then. Now I have to take it before I am allowed to work again.

Sofia looks like both Thomas and myself at this time. I can see all three older kids in her expressions at different times. I think the jury is still out on who she will favor. Her eyes will probably change from blue to brown, like her daddy's eyes. Possum had blue eyes at birth but they changed to brown and Olivia NEVER had blue eyes.

Thanks for the good thoughts, and remember to take it easy while you get back into the swing of things at work.