Thursday, January 19, 2006

One More Week

I went to my OB yesterday for my six week post-natal checkup and received a clean bill of health. He checked my abdomen and my incision and said all was well. He did NOT do a pap smear which did not hurt my feelings at all. I love my OB, he is a great guy. Now, since he didn't do a pap, I will have to see my primary care physician, but that is okay since I have a few other minor things I want to see her for as well.

I return to work one week from tonight, almost to the minute. As I look at the computer's clock it say it is 7:08 and my shift starts at 7:00, so it is almost exactly one week. I have to admit that I am well past ready to go back. If I had gone out on maternity leave when Sofia was born, I would still want more time, but since I went out over a month early, I am ready.

I work in the flex-pool, which means I work on almost every floor in the hospital, so I am assigned to the NICU my first night back. I am excited about this as the NICU is my favorite, but also because I know I won't overdo it with lifting or anything. No baby in the NICU is going to weigh anywhere near what my ox of a child weighs. She measured out in the 90-95% range for height and weight at her one month check-up, so those teeny-tiny babies will be a piece of cake.

Well, I have to go and fold laundry (exciting I know.) It is okay though as Olivia has her Season One Wonder Woman DVD in playing, so I can watch and fold at the same time. These are the WW2 episodes and we are working our way through the season. Olivia is very glad Santa brought these for her.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I am glad that you are doing so well.

Did you have to remind me about Pap Smears? Sigh.....that's another doctors appointment I have to keep in the next few weeks. What fun, what fun.

I am glad that all is well.

Kimberly said...


Yeah, I know. I am definitely not looking forward to making that appointment, but I guess I have to. At least I like my PCP, she is a good doc.