Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Acadamy Awards

We are watching The Acadamy Awards tonight. I have my favorites, of course, that I want to win. But to be absolutely honest, I haven't seen any of the movies nominated to win Best Picture, so I don't really have a choice for that award.

But in the acting categories, I do have favorites. Now to be fair, I can't comment on their performances in the roles they are nominated for, but I have seen them in many roles in the past. This does mean that I will be rooting for certain actors and actresses.

So far, George Clooney has won and Rachel Weisz has won. I didn't really have an opinion on the Supporting Actress category, but I am thrilled that George Clooney won for Supporting Actor. I would have been happy to see Matt Dillon win as well. As a side note, I don't think that Matt Dillon has aged in about twenty years, he is still adorable.

Well, Lauren Bacall is on right now. They have the picture behind her of when she was young; she was beautiful then and she is beautiful now. She has aged so gracefully.

Well, more comments to come later as I feel the need :o)


Anonymous said...

okay... what's with the dudes with the stuffed penguins on stage... HOW TACKY is that?

Kimberly said...

Well, it seems to be a tacky night. What about the guys who stuck the bow ties on their statues?

And I gotta ask, what the heck was Naomi Watts and Charlize Theron thinking? Those dresses are hideous. But J. Lo actually impressed me, which is saying A LOT!

Anonymous said...

Once again... you are scaring me. How funny is it that we are basically thinking the same things?

Kimberly said...

We have TASTE? LOL