Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Seriously Offended...

Okay, so someone with too much time on their hands (or whatever,) decided to come onto my blog and criticize me for being offended about things regarding Harry Potter. There are many things that offend me, number one being stupid people who wish to criticize me for being offended about Harry Potter.

This is MY blog, if you want to criticize people get your own blog and do it there. If you want to read about serious things, skip over the fluff posts and read about the Iraq War, babies requiring CPR, etc. I post enough serious topics on this blog, that there should be no reason to criticize me about my Harry Potter post.

Any further comments such as the one I received last night will be deleted. There is enough crap that I have to deal with, I don't need it on here! Especially from someone who won't even cop to who they are and leave the post anonymously.


Anonymous said...

My GOD! You are uptight. If you get this upset over a blog, you may want to get some help for yourself. You really do take things far too seriously. And as far as being stupid, I am unsure why you think that name-calling could be helpful, especially when you don't know me, or how stupid I may or may or may not be.

I am "terrified" that you will delete me instead of just dealing with people who have a different opinion. Maybe that's how people in Georgia, USA act, but the rest of the world doesn't. Maybe that is what is wrong with America- people just like YOU!

Kimberly said...

Me, uptight? That's actually funny. Thanks for the laugh.

Because I don't like rude or obnoxious comments on MY blog, I am uptight. I deal with people of differing opinions on a daily basis, that is great thing about America; there are many differing opinions and that is embraced.

However, this is MY blog, where I get to post MY thoughts...just a little luxury that I enjoy, call me crazy if you must.

I really feel sorry for YOU if you live in such an environment that you can't express your frustrations openly and you must attack some stranger on a blog. Maybe YOU need the help.

supernurse183 said...

Yes you are right. I need help. Please send your troops right over to help me out. Maybe they can kill my brothers or sisters while they are here to help. Americans are so good at helping.

Kimberly said...

I can honestly say that I have no desire for our troops to go anywhere and kill anyone. I only wish you had read a few posts down and you would have seen that for yourself. Instead you make crazy statements that are only intended to inflame, unfortunately the statements are not based in reality.

Thomas J. said...

You know. . .it is funny. . .I think I read something RECENTLY about someone who took their whole blogging experience WAAAAAY to serious, and got to bitching about other people coming on their blog and being nothing but snarky and negaive. . .Hmmmmm. . .where was that:

Oh yeah. . .


and. . .


I just don't understand, why someone would pick on THIS blog, when there are others out there that do the same sort of thing. . .

If you don't like what you read, shut the fuck up and change the channel. . .

Jeez. . some people SERIOUSLY have no life.