Tuesday, October 28, 2008


A week from today we Americans are heading out to the polls to vote for the next President of the United States. No matter what your political persuasion, I hope you go out and cast your vote. I am going bright and early next Tuesday because I have to then get in the car and drive to Boston so I can go to work Tuesday night. I have thought about voting early since Vermont does provide this service, however, there is something special about voting on Election Day.

Please go vote and make your voice heard!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

As economy sags, so do faces ... and breasts

Sometimes you read things that make you go "huh?" or "wtf?" The title of this post is certainly that. It is the title of an article on MSNBC.com, here is the link.

I guess that with the economy being so bad, women can't go for face lifts or boob jobs.


I have read books from a couple of "new" authors recently. One is a new author in the past couple of years. The other is just new to me.

Stephenie Meyer, the author of "Twilight" and its sequels. It is definitely part of the young adult genre, except maybe the last book, and it is definitely easy reading. One of my Facebook friends called it brain candy, and maybe it is, but I REALLY enjoyed reading all four of the books.

Jodi Picoult, is the author of many books, all of which (from what I understand) are set in New England. I am in the process of reading my first Jodi Picoult novel and I am really enjoying it. It is interesting because it is set here in the Upper Valley (the region of Vermont and New Hampshire that I live in.) I was also interested to read that she lives just across the river from me in New Hampshire. I do hope I enjoy the last 1/3 of the book as well as I have the first 2/3 of the book.

Of course, my favorite authors JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Stephen King, Mary Higgins Clark, and Anne Perry are still my favorites, but I am always looking for someone new to add to the list.